Cohabitation Agreement

In general, the Cohabitation Act means that the value of any home and household goods (furniture, etc.) must be divided equally in the event of a separation. This applies regardless of whether you paid different amounts for something that you both used, such as a home that one of you has bought but that you both live in. Even though only one of you was the owner of the home, it may be divided equally if there is no cohabitation agreement is established.

It can be good to remember that things you owned before you moved in together do not count as joint property. The shared property is the property that you have acquired to use in your shared accommodation. It can be good to talk together about how you want it and make sure to include everything in the agreement. Cohabitation agreements do not need to be registered with any authority to be valid. Should you sign a new agreement or change an existing cohabitation agreement, the most recent document applies.

With a cohabitation agreement, you can decide that the Cohabitation Act shall not apply, but that you want your joint property to be distributed in a different way.

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